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Family Ecology Theory

Human interaction has been explained through theories founded on factual information and studies. The goal of such theories has been towards the provision of a manner of making sense concerning the events that have occurred in the past and again permit us to come up with predictions of what could occur in the days to come. Therefore, such theories as family ecology is a strategy of looking intently at the way human beings interact with the environments in which they live based on the belief that these interactions and relationships taken place in a well-organized system.

Theoretically, social, physical and biological aspects of organisms are taken within the circles of the environments in which they live. Such environments could be the natural world, certainty as constructed through humans or even through the cultural and social setting where the organism thrives. The family ecology theory is possibly one the ancient family theories that at the same time contains a lot of new and emerging elements that have evolved through the realization of the manner in which human created and natural created environments influence behavior and how families and individuals on the other end impact such environments. Based on this theory, the environment and the individual are perceived as being linked in an active process of mutual change and influence.

The family is a system of interactions and relationships. The use of systems theory is a fundamental principle of family ecology theory. The family system has boundaries in it separating it from other systems of the community. All systems have important inputs that cause various actions and processes like the finite amounts of time and money possessed by families. They also have outputs that are basically the transformation processes that take place inside the system like the exchange of money to get provision for important services like food and so on. Other outputs include those that affect other systems like waste production – family activity byproducts taken back to the bigger environment.

The family ecology theory is a fundamental premise centers son the independence of all individuals across the universe with the earth resources. For instance, the ecological health of the world relies on the actions stemming out of the decisions taken by individuals, families and the nations at large. This is a very important fact defined through this theory. Even though the family ecosystem concept is not an accurate one, family ecology theory offers a strategy of considering multifaceted and multilevel interactions and integrating various data kinds into an analysis for trends in future in understanding family dynamics and realities.

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